Edge AI vs Cloud AI

Decoding Mobility Intelligence: Should You Invest in Edge AI or Cloud AI?

On a fine morning in Berlin, Anna (a fleet manager) watched as an alert popped up: one of her autonomous vehicles had just avoided a collision. The AI-powered dashcam detected a pedestrian stepping into the road and instantly triggered the brakes. This life-saving decision happened in real-time, thanks to Edge AI. Meanwhile, across town, urban […]

Decoding Mobility Intelligence: Should You Invest in Edge AI or Cloud AI? Read More »

AI in Fleet Management by Jorit Schmelzle

From Chaos to Clarity: The Impact of AI on Fleet Management

Meet Alex, a fleet manager for a mid-sized delivery company. Every morning, Alex faces a barrage of challenges: vehicles breaking down unexpectedly, drivers getting into minor accidents, and the ever increasing complexity of urban traffic while keeping costs low. Traditional telematics systems provide some help, but they often flood Alex with irrelevant alerts, making it

From Chaos to Clarity: The Impact of AI on Fleet Management Read More »

Impact of Vision-Based AI on Fleet Safety and Efficiency

Traditional IMU-based telematics miss up to 75% of high-risk incidents, leaving fleets vulnerable to unseen dangers. AI Vision Technology changes the game, capturing three times more relevant events and providing critical insights. This study from our team revealed how even a lightweight edge-based visual intelligence software drastically improves fleet safety and reduces insurance premiums.

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